The OVC Officer slept at the farm this last night and was met wth the smiling and cheerful faces of the project members(Otilia Chitangirofa and Gladys Mudzingenyama).Most encouraging was the fact that we still have 298 birds alive all very healthy. Gladys jokingly said that they are eating and drinking like "camels",which was proven a few hours later when they had emptied almost all the food in the troughs, which were quickly refilled.
The farm is also electrified and this makes the chicks feed even at night. This is a welcome thing indeed, end of the 6th week should find the birds ready for market-the OVC Officer swears that he shall buy the 1st five birds!
May God continue to bless Livebirds, United Baptist Church and Warehouse 242 Church
keep watchng this blog for more updates on the progress of the Livebirds Project in Odzi, Mutare
Thanks Mish and Darlington for your leadership!! I imagine the business team is very happy to see you arrive at the farm. The fact that the majority of the birds are growing and are healthy is a testimony to you and the team's dedication. If we had better logistics I would certainly sign up as a customer!!
What a joy it is to relish in your success, if even from afar... much prayer and continued blessings and protection that the result of your hard labor and passion for success will bring God glory, only as He sees fit, and beyond what we can imagine.